- The City Council adopted the Sebastopol General Plan update and certified the Final EIR on November 15, 2016. View the final documents.
Documents and Maps
Documents prepared for the General Plan Update (e.g., Existing Conditions Report, Draft General Plan, Land Use Maps, Environmental Impact Report, etc.) will be placed on this page.
Final General Plan
Adopted General Plan (pdf): The City Council adopted the Sebastopol General Plan on November 15, 2016.
General Plan Drafts
City Council Review General Plan - November 2016 (pdf): The City Council Review General Plan is available. This draft reflects input from the September and October 2016 City Council hearings to consider the General Plan Update.
Public Draft General Plan - May 2016 (pdf):: The Public Draft General Plan is available for review. The Public Draft General Plan reflects input from the GPAC, Planning Commission, City Council, and public.
GPAC Draft General Plan - December 2015 (pdf): The GPAC Draft General Plan was prepared based on the input and guidance provided by the GPAC and reflects the revisions made by the GPAC at its final December 9, 2015 meeting. This GPAC Draft General Plan will be reviewed by the City Council and Planning Commission in January, February, and March, 2016.
Preliminary Draft General Plan - November 2015 (pdf): The GPAC Preliminary Draft General Plan was prepared based on the input and guidance provided by the General Plan Advisory Committee. The Preliminary Draft General Plan will be considered by the GPAC at its December 9, 2015 meeting.
CEQA Documents
Final Environmental Impact Report (pdf): The Final EIR provides a response to comments received on the Draft EIR and identifies revisions made to the Draft EIR.
Notice of Availability (pdf): The Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the General Plan update was published on May 23, 2016. Comments are due by July 8, 2016 - please see the NOA for instructions regarding comment submittal.
Draft Environmental Impact Report (pdf) for the Sebastopol General Plan Update - May 2016
Appendices (pdf) to the Draft EIR - May 2016
Notice of Preparation (pdf): The Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan update was published on March 1, 2016. Comments are due by March 31, 2016 - please see the NOP for instructions regarding comment submittal.
Existing Conditions Report and Issues and Opportunities Report
Issues and Opportunities Report - November 2015 (pdf): Note: The Final Issues and Opportunities Report dated November 2015 replaces the February 2015 draft of the Issues and Opportunities Report.
Existing Conditions Report - August 2014 (pdf): The Existing Conditions Report takes a "snapshot" of Sebastopol's current (2014) trends and conditions. It provides a detailed description of a wide range of topics within the city, such as demographic and economic conditions, land use, public facilities, and environmental resources. The Existing Conditions Report provides decision-makers, the public, and local agencies with context for making policy decisions.
Housing Element
Adopted Housing Element - March 2015 (pdf): The City Council adopted the Housing Element Update on Marcy 30, 2015. Previous versions included the Public Review Draft Housing Element that was circulated for public review and commented on by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Following HCD review, a Revised Draft Housing Element was prepared and considered by the Planning Commission and City Council.